Friday, April 27, 2007
Rims of luck unleashed
Over the past years construction of a vision kept going.A single way to,of no return.A dream lover,a fortune soldier.
My hands are rough tied in the steering wheel,whilst my feet are leening forward.Ignition in the cylinders..Injection of gas..torque release in pistons..Horses running by the car..A magic reaction which overcomes in approx. 1 sec!!All of the passion is hidden in the torpideus 8 cylinder engine!Rough as a tiger,fast as a cheetah!
There she was...Staring at me as a little boy paralyzed.A glow of surprise,a melody of happiness has driven me into a dellirio!Hillarious is how I felt after.Wanted all and nothing,all at once!And when the time comes,save the dollar,cuz I'm the one who's gonna earn every cm2 of this masterpiece.
In case I'm dreaming and I'm already stuck with my mind in the time of my decision..I beg you, not wake me up
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Tricks n Hints
Build it...Then destroy it..
Color it...Then turn it pale...
Fantasy is the only key to blind orientation.Fantasy is the only limit to the unknown.Self liberation is the only way to see what you keep in chest all the years past!
Breath with a new self.Create with your new mind.Draw with new boards.
Fancy,or maybe boring....
Funny,or even melancholic.....
The only think matters is to mind-free your past ego!!Try,for example,to force yourself into an unknown field of interest.Try to embarass yourself.Find ways to make fun of your attitude!
Its really a wonder to attack your character's defences!!!!
Quite a mess indeed @#$(*$^$&&#!#Y&&T&*U
See you till next time..... tata!!
Research of a known myth.Reveal it to his sons.He shall not be a forgotten.
In our days,where exploit n corruption harvest the earth,one blade stood upon em.A decedent of an ancient myth recalls power to construct a fiend of renegades.
It is now accepted as a new condition of the past.Its way has yet been associated with its violence.And of idol created and rebuilt through a milion of times..
Day is soon to come when peace will be the only horror and democracy shall be the only treat!!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
dejavou cliche
Tryin to recover from accidental currents,my soul regimes on body once again!Effort n' sweat shall come upon my self to reconstruct a new idol.White Magic held in books,hides the power of thirteen thousand years.An untold secret,an unbarried chest storing its old value.Throughout the remaining years of my misery,the memory will not be spent.Past will be my future and present will no longer exist.For it is true my insanity runs over me and above me till there is no part left.Nonetheless the beggining..